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We aren't finished yet with the good news. Musky fishing in Lake St. Clair is rated at the top of the pile worldwide. Numbers are very good and many big fish are caught by the good anglers on nearly a daily basis. If you want a good day fishing and you want to fish with a charter captain that understands these fish, contact Bob Devine who operates Chartertalk Fishing Guide Service.

Pregame analysis: If you're still awake in the States and Canada, you're a trooper. If you're just waking up in the States and Canada, you're also a trooper. If you're in Asia following the play-by-play, then you're probably really enjoying the skating so far (Takahashi/Tran take the silver in pairs and Takahashi and Kozuka are currently 1-2 after the short). I think Suzuki is going to take this one easily. It'll be interesting how Asada does after a Jang News pretty good short yesterday.

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